Lot 211

Alexander Calder (American, 1898-1976), La Tache Bleue (The Blue Blob), from The Bicentennial Tapestries

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Hand-woven wool tapestry, 1975, with woven signature "Calder" lower right and numbering "20" (edition of 200) on the reverse, hand woven by Pinton Frères, Aubusson, France and bears their mark "PF" lower right, tapestry retains artist-signed, numbered, and inscribed labels, with sleeve for wall-hanging display, accompanied by original paperwork.

39 1/4 x 59 1/4 in.

Private Collection, Vail, CO and Wichita, KS

Libra Galleries, Vail, CO;
Exhibited: Wichita Art Museum, Wichita, KS, 1975

This is one of a series of six tapestries Calder created to commemorate the 200th Anniversary of the American Revolution. The tapestries were hand woven by Pinton Frères in Aubusson, France. Calder designed his tapestries in a shape reminiscent of the flag, and each features a design that is at the same time celebratory of America and distinctly Calderesque.

This and the other Calder tapestries offered in this sale are noteworthy because they were exhibited at the Wichita Art Museum, Wichita, Kansas in the year they were completed. Though the series was initiated as an edition of 200, the edition was never fully realized and few come available on the art market.

Finely woven; good estate condition.

$4,000 - 8,000