In 1585 English colonists Thomas Hariot and John White recorded their impressions of life on Roanoke Island in present day North Carolina. Hariot published
A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia whereas White composed a suite of watercolors illustrating the region's flora and fauna, including native peoples. The efforts of both men came to the attention of Belgian engraver Theodor de Bry, who published an edition of Hariot's work illustrated with engravings based on White's original watercolors. This seminal masterpiece, printed in English, Latin, French and German, encouraged European settlement of the vast lands that would become British North America.
This masterfully conserved 16th century seminal work is being offered in our
Signature Winter Auction. This auction opens for live bidding on Saturday, December 2nd at 9am. Pre-bidding is available now.