These days heroes wear scrubs, face shields, masks, id badges, and, in the case of teachers soldiering on with remote school, perhaps the odd pair of pajama pants. We're not judging.
However, as we close out a year of pandemic living, we gathered a group of these COVID warriors and gave them something a little more sparkly to wear from our March 18th auction. We wanted to give them all crowns and capes, but they said it might get in the way of their PPE.
Below, our coronavirus superheroes and a few of their hopes for the post-pandemic world.
Kimberley Rountree,
Fifth Grade Teacher
Chapel Hill Carrboro School District
Hope: "That we, as a nation, develop a moral consciousness so that we can work together to incorporate "ALL" in our personal, professional and political lives."
Hope: "I think my hope for the post pandemic world would be to cherish times with family friends and love ones, enjoy the little things in life and to trust science."
Natalie A. Ashley, BN, GradDipAdvN
Program Manager, Duke Center for Brain and Spine Metastasis
Hope for the post-pandemic world: "To be together again."
Hope: "That we can all maintain the appreciation of the people and relationships that make life better and were easy to take for granted before the lockdown."
Amanda Greer, CRNA, DNAP
Hope: "That we've learned to appreciate the joy of being with friends and family; for less hate and more inclusion and equality."
Ann G. Gerber, BSN, RN
UNC Health
Hope: "A world with greater compassion for our fellow human beings."