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The Move Into Our New Gallery Space
After much anticipation and patience, moving day was upon us. As a team, we conceptualized, we planned, we designed, and we built. On April 7th and 8th, a new chapter of this journey was here — the move.
As the dust is settling; we are settling. We are getting to know this sophisticated and new facility, testing its gears, and finding our stride. That doesn’t mean to imply that construction has concluded. The work goes on. Our contractor is currently renovating our existing building to create a seamless flow and feel to our 40,000 square feet of auction engine.
We look forward to welcoming you inside and giving you a personal tour of the new gallery space. In a few weeks, the renovations to our existing building should be complete and we will truly settle into our campus. In the meantime, enjoy this video highlighting the very beginning of the big move into our collective new home.