Lot Details & Additional Photographs
The buyer acknowledges that he/she is acting within compliance with their state and local laws in regards to the purchase, transportation and delivery of spirituous liquors. The buyer acknowledges that he/she takes possession of purchased lots upon the fall of the hammer. Buyers may make arrangements including an in-person auction house pick-up or designating a third party to complete delivery of purchased lots.
NV, Mocambo Ron Anejo, Single Barrel, 15 Years Old, Veracruz, Mexico, 40%, barrel 1512, bottle 164/230, hs, sealed, lscl (1 500 ml)
NV, El Ron Prohibido, 12 Year Solera Blended Mexican Rum, Reserva, 40%, htms, sealed (1 700 ml)
NV, Ron Centenario, Fundacion XX Anos, Reserva Especial, 20 Year Solera Blended Rum, Costa Rica, 40%, into neck, sealed, wrapped in lightly stained canvas stitched bag (1 750 ml)
NV, Pampero Ron Anejo Aniversario, Reserva Exclusiva, Venezuela, 40%, bottle no. 879316, htms, sealed, includes drawstring leather bag (1 750 ml)
NV, Diplomatico Anejo, Imported Venezuelan Rum, 40%, 2 into neck, 2 sealed, 1lscl (2 750 ml)
Spirituous Liquors Terms Index